Monday, March 7, 2011


title tag: i like too

instruction: once you are tagged answer all question honestly
person who tagged: curi tp dh gtwu dari gadyz si wady
starting time: 9.14pm

name: miss atul
full name: nur hayatulnupus
siblings: 7
eye colour: brown black
shoe size: 5/6
hair: secreto de amore
height: 154..ouh pndekny
what are you wearing now: t-shirt plus kain batik..pmpuan melayu
where do you live: hostel

favourite no: of cuse no 1
favourite drink: carrot susu
favourite month: absolutely APRIL..ehem
favourite breakfast:  Nasi lemak sambal bnyk2  plus teh 0


broken a bone: nope..only broken heart..huhuhu
been in a police car: nope
fallen for a guy/girl in a short time: last year if i not mistaken
swam in the ocean:  yup...long time a go
fallen asleep in school: sometimes especially fer syariah islamiah class
broken someone's hurt: emm yup...sowie for that guy's(ramai ker)
cried when someone died: of cuse...fer sure
sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: dulu la skunk dh jarang
saved e-mails: emm important and interesting things


your room look like: simple,cute n comfortable fer me
what is right beside u: my bebear....
what is last thing you ate: asam masin...


chicken pox:  baby time
sore throat: yup last masa form 5
stiches: nope


believe in love at first sight: yes i do..i really believe coz he become my first love on first sight
(miss that time)
like picnics: of cuse la....


who did you last yell at: HIM
who was the last person you danced with: my psychiatric patient
who last make your smile: HIM


what are you listening to right now: Sinar FM
what did u do today: going practical,blogwalking and facebook
are u the oldest: nope
indoors or outdoor:   fer sure outdoor baby


you talk to on the phone;my beloved mom
made you cry: my mom
you went to mall with: sometime with my bestie guy,and my housemate
who cheered you up: HIM n my housemate


been to mexico:not yet
been to USA:not yet too


have a crush on someone: HIM
what book are you reading right now:baru sedar yg xde buku yg dibaca lg..
best feeling in the world: every feeling yg de....
future kid name:  tak plan ag la..mcm ne ek...
do you sleep with stuffed animal:  yes my bebear...
what under your bed:  my pillow n everything that help me to sleep nicely
favourite sports: adventure game
favourite place: island mostly
who do you really hate: wat masa ni xde g..
do you have a job: now as practical nursing student at HTAA
what time it is now: 9.52pm

sy sgt suke2 nk tag 
n sapew je yg nk curi mcm sy ni...