Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ChEmIsTrY BeTwEen Us

first job done.............
my case study no to hard but complicated...huhuhu
tp dh submit..kira dh lpas..
my portfoli0 yg EMPTY still waiting fer me....
wait yeah...
nk dream lu bwu nk start.....
procastination lg.....rutin la 2...
itula ak yg ska tngguh2 keja..
actually i not have any idea to start with that job...
again and again..
itu sume alasan jew..hahaha..
but i'm still not forget to laugh with them..
first, love walk begin...
i like that moment... i know u 2..:::)p
apy x smestiny berpnjngn kn...
but i'm still try my hard n go fer the next step to get more n more of happiness
in my life......
begitu jga mereka yg berada di sisi....Go Go chaiyok!!!!
then,fer the next level GRADUATION still waitng fer us...
let's go my dear fwens....keep up..........
submitted done..
gud job fer this........

LAUGH WITH THEM..............


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


mood-rjin plk nk update blog neh.....
sebab musababny:rsa sunyi n memerlukn sesua2 untuk mluahkn rasa ati..
ehem rsa pe ea agakny...
cba lihat tarikh di atas emm mmg cntik kn...
sbut psal nombur SATU...
sume owng nk jd no 1..
means yg terbek dr owng len...
yg terkehadapn dr owng len..
berdiri sbg yg tertnggi n duduk xkn prnah jd yg terendah...
itu nmany mengejar yg 1...
bila mnyebut mgejar yg 1...
mest sume owng skar nk jwb sbb bnyk benda yg dikejar dlm idup ne..
bg sy ckupla kita rangkumkn sumeny iaitu mngejar kebahagiaan yg SATU..
xkshla dlm apa jua asal iany mmberi kbhagiaan..
itulah yg dinamakn mgejar yg SATU..
hope ea akn kekal SATU dlm ati ne.....
SATU perjalnn yg msih juh untuk ditmpuhi,,,
seandainy msh dberi pluang dri yg SATU..
SATU yg xkn pernah dimugkiri jnji yg telah dipatri...
SATU ati yg xkn berbelah bagi biarpun jiwa bergelora..
kerana tnpa SATU tidak akn ada yg kedua mhupun yg sterusny....
                               sweetny animax ne....1 cinta 1 anugerah yg abadi.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

FiRsT EnTry FoR dis YEar

i want to say welcome 2011 n gud bye 2010
thanks to Allah msh bg pluang untuk mnruskn perjuangn pd taun ne..
diberi ksmptan n pnjg umur untuk mngktkn ibdh kpdny...
tengs yeah 2010...of course for u DISEMBER in 2010.....i love u coz of u i be here n try my best fer management.. 
my dream fer u 2011 listen here oke...u must be nice fer me...
i wish i can finish my case study..my preceptorship and all about my course very well
LJM examination....osche... n bla bla bla......
wait  fer u oke...GRADUATION DAY....huhuhu getting excited..
this all important fer me.....
i will start dis year by a little bit smile but it still bursting like a sunshine....
fer u fwens...time is still running as fast as lightning n i will always appreciate every second
of our time....
i will miss u n miss our miserable day during practical....huhuhuhu
fer u dear...ehem..emmm nothing kot...i will tell u later oke,,,,(blushing jap)
fer 21 years old...tp i nmpk muda kot...(perasan)
i  hope this matured age will help me learn how to appreciate life n become meaningful....

to be the best among de best....
eventhough u still the best than me i will try my best too....
to start this year.....
Ya ALLAH ampunilah dosa2 ku..
permudhknla urusan ku di hari muka...
bantulah ak untuk mncpai kejayaan dunia dan akhirat....
seandainya dia adalah jodohku perkukuhknla hbungn ini..
dan seandainy dia bkan untuk ku ak redha dn kau jauhknla dia dariku...
sesungguhny perancangan mu adalah sebek2 perancangn Ya Allah..
ak beserah dgn ketentuanmu.....