Saturday, March 10, 2012


ASSAlammualaikum...hi guyss!!terasa skrang mcm update blog per month plak kn..actually setiap ari rasa nk update blog nie..byk giler bnda nk bila nk publish je x je x jadi la nk publish sedangkn dh penat menaip panjng lebar then terkubur jewla hasrat untuk publish tu...
byk benda yg dh berlaku since beberapa mggu kebelakangn nie..
now i'm standing different situation different places..
but my heart stilll same..same goes like a long time a go..
still silence from the mode of love...
unpredictable..but i'm still waiting for de someone that can unlock dis heart..keep trying eventhough it too difficult...xde paksaan dlm cinta..sbb cinta itu terlalu indah..seindah yg dianugerahkn pada just let my heart in comfortable zone...
so for dis entry xnk ckp sgtla pasal HATI..pasal LOVE for someone that we call someone special but  i want to talk about love to others..
orang2 yg pernh menyinari dunia persahabatan sebelom nie..
friendship that one word cannot be explained or translate because it was EVERYTHING  for me..
up and down there is a friends that will help a good listener n everything.. i owe u something friends..tengs yeah for everything..n now setiap pertemuan akn ada perpisahan..perpisahn yg sementra di dunia doa itu sentiasa ada  buat kalian n doa kalian sentiasa ada di sisi....
now i meet another friends but i'm happy have them...
n never forget de old ones..i'm really miss u friends...n love u so much...
pray for me guyss for de next destination BACHELOR...
i hope n  i will do my best for this oppurtunity....
alhamdulilah Ya Allah terima kasih untuk peluang ni..xkan disia2 kan...Ya Allah bantulah aq permudahkan urusan yg mendatang Ya Allah..bersihkan jiwa dan hati ini dari masalah yg meruntun yg Allah..berikan ketenangan kpd ku Ya Allah...
so March plizz as usual be nice to me oke...i'm really appreciate it!!!
tenkiu to MR JAN n MRS FEB for those memory...

here my memories of  friendship...
school of friendship.....
Diploma friendship......
work friendship....
Degree friendship......
till de next entry oke!!!