Friday, December 17, 2010

suka-suki tentang dia........

xnk tulis pnjng-pnjng mcm entry sblum neh..just wanna said that
mlm x slalu indh..mlm ker.pagi neh..after dis i wnt to sleep..
i just want to give this smile to him that alwayz be my side..
i hate him..but i love him too..
plik je bnyi conclusionny...
i'm alwayz love him.....until i met other person that can replace him in my heart...........
as we know we just only can plan but the decision  from Allah...
sesungguhny perasaan ini begitu brnilai...I'm alwayz appreciate it....n xmau bnci2 dah oke...
de fhm dear??
just keep as my legend....wish me alwayz get apy ending..
i'm still waiting fer u MR RIGHT.........
tunggu oke.....