Monday, May 9, 2011

day after my day.....

Yes!!!!..i'm done...
ari yg mmbunuh dh dilalui dan ditempuhi n its going well..
walaupun de kucar kcir ckit tp i'm satisfied..
n tggl  1 jer lg yg perlu dilalui untuk menamatkn segala2ny 
di sini..
bkn bnci tp terlalu syg..
sblm perasaan syg smkin mndlm bek lpasknny
secara perlahan2..
i means memories at here.
klu anda gt lg schedule sy yg lps ..
sy de mention presention my audit n osche..
i'm done for that...
nervous,rsa nk pengsan sume de..
tp akhirny xpengsan jgk..
secara overall sy dh lakukn shbis bek..
n i 'm waiting for the result,outcome n evaluation ..
for my work hard toward that day..
de rezqi it will be the best result i had...
EXCELLENT!!!for me n for my fwenzs too..
n for my last destination to finish all of dis is LJM..
LJM i'm waiting fer u..
be nice to me oke..
psssst..... tengs for green color.....
dpt cuci mata examiner..
segar bugar..