Saturday, April 30, 2011

FloWers Day..

FloWERS are to awesome...can make  a woman cry either laugh..
I love flowers...walaupun bunga tahi aym...tettttt..
skuntum pun dh ckup kan lg 1 jmbngn kn...
papepun bnyk2 bunga...bnga rose adalh bnga yg mmg significant dgn kasih syg..
so let's go to discover whAt type of this lovely flowers..ROSE...
-keikhlasan pasangn anda dlm percintaan Sincere Love & Respect, Courage & Passion
-rsa penghargaan.....Grace and Gentility, the rose of sweet thoughts.
-jealousy tue dlu skunk mksudny lbh kpd friendship, joy, gladness and freedom, the promise of a new beginning.
                                      white(xlhla bbuh white kn xnmpk plk)
-kesucian....Spiritual love & Purity
-cinta pandang klu rsa de cinta pandang pertama bly la bg bnga rose wrna nie..
-Passionate desire, pure enthusiasm and fascination
itu antara mksud warna bunga tp de g..
berapa kuntum yg kita dpt pun de mksud jgk oke.....
ish2 mcm2 kn..
jom la explore lg...
lets begin...
seandainy anda dpt 1 kuntum mksudny
you are the one
2 kuntum-cinta yg mndlm antra 1 sma len..
3 kuntum-I LOVE U
6 kuntum -i wanna be yours
10 kuntum -you ur de perfect
13 kuntum -secret admirer
15-klu nk mintk maaf
365-cant's stop thinking of u(ouh so sweet)
999-everlasting and external love..
fuhhh..klu nk cite pasl kuntum nie bnyk sbnrny..
nk sbgai reference bley tgok link nie ok..
bila dh explore nie dpt rsa betapa berbungany atie bila dpt bnga kn..
tp papepun xkshla bga tue wrna pe???,brpa kuntum??? 
yg pnting
n pe yg  lg pnting nawaitu owng yg bg bunga tu kn...
n actually pe yg nk citeny kt cni sy dpt BUNGA...
2 sbnrny isi tersurat tue tp dh mlalut g tmpat len..
xpe kongsi ilmu kn..huhuhu
nie la bnga nye...
soalnnye kt cni pe mksud di sblik 3 kuntum bunga..
n bunga nie warna pink...
klu anda sume bjk bestari cb gnakn ilmu yg sy bg td..
untuk jwb soaln nie..huhuhuhu
p/s:i'm de happy one got dis flowers
tengs dear....
psssssst nk lg!